Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Michelle Mckenny Hammond

Michelle McKinney Hammond is the author of over 30 books on living, loving, and
overcoming. She is the President and Founder of HeartWing Ministries, which hosts
annual DIVA Weekend Getaway Conferences. As a relationship and empowerment
coach, internationally known speaker, singer and television co-host, it is Michelle’s
mission and passion to help women and men to first, be intimately connected to God,
then, empowered to become their personal best in order to experience victory in every
area of their lives.

Michelle’s ministry began many years ago when she suffered a devastating leg injury
from being hit by a car. The accident was a spiritual turning point, a wake up call to
embrace her purpose and fulfill her destiny. Those bedridden months gave her time to
complete her first bestselling book, What to Do Until Love Finds You. Michelle
eventually left behind her career as an advertising art director/writer/producer for clients
such as Coca Cola USA, McDonald’s Corporation, Ford Motor Company, and others, to
speak to audiences, encouraging people to fulfill their God-given purpose in life.

This redefined DIVA, her acronym for Divine Inspiration for Victorious Attitude, is
known for “keeping it real.” She addresses real-life issues with candor and wit, answering
the hard questions with sensitivity and empathy. Michelle’s passion is to give relevant
and workable solutions to people’s questions based in timeless spiritual truths. To find
out more about Michelle log on to

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